My friend had sent me a message that said "What is a guiding principle that you apply in your life everyday? Either a verse, attitude, concept, prayer, or lesson learned." I had to sit there for a second and think about it. What is my main goal for every day?
My favorite verse is Zephaniah 3:17 and 1 Peter 4:19 and everyday I try to take what these verses are telling me and live them out.
"The LORD your God is with you,
HE is mighty to save.
HE will take great delight in you,
HE will quiet you with his love,
HE will rejoice over you with singing."
-Zephaniah 3:17
"So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you."
-1 Peter 4:19
"The bible teaches us to be consumed with Christ and to faithfully live out His words. The holy Spirit stirs in us a joy and peace when we are fixated on Jesus, living by faith, and focused on the life to come." -Francis Chan, Crazy Love
I ask myself "How can I be God to somebody today?" I try to focus on Heaven and always think of my eternal Home. This year I am setting my mind on 4 things:
Striving for Home, Dreaming of Home, Setting my mind on Home, and Seeking Home. This past school year I have learned that the only thing that matters is falling in love with my Savior, Creator. I want to love God to the point that I eventually forget about myself. I dont want to just love God I want to be obssessed with Him. "God wants us to be open with Him... God desires true intimacy with each of us, and that comes only when we trust Him enough to be fully transparent and vulnerable." -Francis Chan, Crazy Love. The only possible way I can do that is being so real with God so He can be real with me. I have to love the people who dont love me back.
"Christian, you are not a citizen of this world trying to ge tot heaven, you are a citizen of Heaven trying to get thru this world."
This is my prayer:
Sustainer, The Great I am,
I want to love those who hate me and who can never love me back. God, this year in Mexico, bring me closer to you, whatever it takes Lord. Your glorious will be done. God, make me aware of oppurtunities around me and connect me with the poor in some way or antoher. I want to be more concerned with obeying you than doing what is expected or following the status quo. I want to take joy in loving you and loving others. God, dont make me comfortable, push me into places where I would be in trouble if you didnt show up. Abba, Lead me to where you want me to go and what you want me to do. Amen
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