Friday, July 23, 2010

You have the chance to fly

Francis Chan quotes in his book Forgotten God, "I want to live so that I am truly submitted to the spirits leading on a daily basis. I dont want to keep crawling when I have the chance to fly." I feel like we put too much trust in people and then when something goes wrong you end up getting hurt. Many people will let you down and disappoint you but your Savior never will. So shouldnt that encourage us to fall in love with God? The thought of heaven seems so far away so we let ourselves live the lifes we want and we'll worry about God later. The kingdom is here; it is now. Why dont we live like it? If your best freind was being talked about behind their back and you had the oppurtunity to protect their name wouldnt you? Why isnt it like that with the name of Christ? We go and watch movies, listen to music and do things that arent lifting up the name of Jesus. We do the very things that put Him on the cross. I feel like when you are completly in love with God it would become so natural to you that you would want to do everything to protect and hold up the name of Jesus. So hear is my question: Why would you crawl when you have the chance to fly?

"Oh Great God, be glorified. Our lives laid down yours magnified. Oh great God, be lifted high. There is none like You. Jesus, Savior, God's own Son. Risen, Reigning, Lord. Sustainer of the universe. By the power of Your Word. And when we see Your matchless face, in speechless awe we'll stand. And there we'll bow with ...grateful hearts. Unto the great I Am."

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