Saturday, October 1, 2011

I am a Woman of God

Last night I saw courageous. Great great movie. It was about what God wanted for his sons. This sparked the interest in my mind of what does God want for his Daughters? What was his intent for us? What does being a woman of God look like?
I'm starting a journey to figure out what The King of Kings really wants for and from his daughters. I'm excited to see what God will reveal to me! I found this last night and it is just beautiful.

I am a Woman of God.

I am capable, intelligent and virtuous woman.
I am far more precious than jewels and my value is far above rubies and pearls.
Strength and Dignity are my clothing and my position is strong and secure.
I open my mouth with skillful and godly wisdom.
The bread of idleness, gossip, discontent and self-pity I will not eat.

The beauty of the world is vain but my beauty comes from reverently fearing the Lord.
Each day I will focus on the present knowing that God's grace is sufficient for every task.

I surrender all disappoints, fears and misunderstandings to the Lord.
Forgetting those things that are behind and laying every sin and weight that easily entangles me, I press on to the high prize of being a Woman of God.

I am strong in you, Lord and in the power of your might.
God, you are my Father and I am your precious daughter.
Jesus, you are my bridegroom and I am your beautiful bride.
I am created in your image, a picture of your love.

Beautiful Girls, Dwell on these things.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... Beautiful. Please bring these thoughts to Bible Study tonight!
