Saturday, December 7, 2013

Full Circle

This morning it clicked. It all became full circle.

And what I mean by that is the verse, Psalm 37:3 "Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness" made complete sense to me. 

After hearing Louie Giglio preach on this verse 2 years ago,  I have plastered it on my mirrors at home and here at school it sits on my dresser so I would constantly be reminded of it. I have sat and pondered this verse over and over and dwelled deeply on it. But I never understood the beauty of cultivating faithfulness until now. 

When you declare in the midst of confusion and messiness that HE is still good, HE will come to you and give you the desires of your heart.  When you decide that no matter what HE is worth it all and you are faithful to HIM, HE will reward you tenfold. I can guarantee you that. Because God makes good on His promises. Because He is 100% faithful to you and when you decide to do the same, a stunning collision happens and beauty in its purest form comes to you. When He comes, you better believe He is going to bring His best. 

Utter Joy.


Abundance of Grace. 

Overwhelming Love. 

Life to the Full. 

The weaker I become, the stronger and more solid HE becomes. As this semester is coming to an end this is something I have known. It's a really beautiful thing when Christ is all you've got and He becomes your stronghold and refuge. There's absolutely no better place to be. 

God rewards faithfulness, not success my friends. So wherever life finds you right now, cultivate faithfulness and see his goodness come to you. His goodness will stop you in your tracks and stun you in the best way possible. Trust me. If you could see into my heart right now it would have Psalm 37 etched on it and be echoing Meredith Andrew's Worth it All album. That's the best way I can describe my reaction to His goodness :) 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Nothing I Hold On To

If we're being completely honest, this isn't exactly how I would have my life to be. 

I would be exploring another country. 

Friendships would still be alive and thriving. 

Relationships would have worked out. 

Heartache wouldn't be present. 

I would be on the front lines of raw ministry. 

But here's the thing, it's not about me. It never was and never will be. It is all about Jesus. Bottom line. Every time I wish things were different, I lose sight of eternity. And without Him, this would just be one sad story of a girl wallowing in self-pity. Because of Jesus I am able to deem my life good and beautiful. 

This semester I have known heartbreak. Heartbreak of the past and present. There are things I don't understand and probably never will. I'm learning to be okay with that. I'm learning to loosen my grip and place it in the hands of my creator. There's nothing I hold on to. It's all HIS. And whatever HE decides to do with my life, it's going to be far better than anything I could imagine.

Don't get me wrong, the Lord has been so good to me in midst of my trails. He has sent me the sweetest of friends. Friends who say, chin up girl, it's all about God's plan not ours. And his timing? Well it couldn't be more perfect. Friends who reaffirm my purpose of being at Union. How could I forget my darling sister who has allowed me to cry to her over the phone more times than I can count and comfort my messy and weary heart.

On the days where I don't see my purpose in being in school, when heartbreak overwhelms me, when the desire to be somewhere far far away is too present, I will look upward and be reminded that what God has planned is so much bigger than myself. If I for one second think that my plans are better than His, how foolish I would be. He is writing the most beautiful story for me. So in knowing that, I walk forward in obedience while making sure I recognize all the good that is around me. Darling, no matter how awful or terrible days or weeks may be, there is still good to be found. I promise you that. If you can't seem to find anything that is good, God is always good. And that will never change.  He's going to be faithful to me. Time and time again, He has proven that to be true and that's not going to stop now. So while I sit patiently before my Lord, I will keep loving and living right where I am. That's all that's required of us. To love God and his people with all we've got. You better believe me when I say it'll be worth it. SO worth it. So friends, let's bundle up, cling to good and love from the center of who we are.

"Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder." - Romans 12:9-12 

"Maybe courage is not at all about the absence of fear but about obedience even when we are afraid. Courage is trusting when we don’t know what is next, leaning into the hard and knowing that it will be hard, but more, God will be near. We live in a world where innocent people suffer and good friends die and stories don’t have the endings we prayed for, and the pain and the hurt, it is everywhere. But the Joy and the Hope that we find in our Savior? It is everywhere, too. I do not have all the answers; in fact, I don’t have many at all. But this is what I know: God is who He says He is. And in the hurt and the pain and the suffering, God is near, and He is good, even when the ending isn’t." -Katie Davis

Nothing I Hold On To by Will Reagan and United Pursuit singing straight into the depths of my heart. Check it out.

I lean not on my own understanding
My life is in the hands of the Maker of heaven

I give it all to You God
trusting that you'll make something beautiful out of me

There's nothing I hold on to
There's nothing I hold on to
There's nothing I hold on to
There's nothing I hold on to

I will climb this mountain with my hands wide open

Friday, February 8, 2013

Here, Jesus Have My Crumbs

I have always respected and even looked up to people who have chosen to fast from Social Media. 

But, I for one was never going to do it. 

I mean I am in charge of various things. People need me on Social Media. Plus I receive encouragement on Social Media. Therefore I shouldn't/couldn't ever fast from Social Media. 

Well this week I stopped making excuses and finally did it. 

I fasted from Social Media for a week. Quite honestly, It was tough. But it was such a blessing. 

Think about it. Social Media rules our world. 

I'm willing to admit I was addicted to it. 

My name is Mallory Lamm and I am a recovering Social Media Addict. 

I constantly, in some shape or form had on Social Media up on my computer or on my phone. I was always in the know and never missed a thing. 

It's unhealthy. I would even check Social Media at a red light. A RED LIGHT. 

I learned the harsh truth this week: You and others will survive if you sign off of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, or pinterest for a day, week, month or even a year. 

Trust me, It'll be okay. Just a warning it may cause you or others to make a phone call or have a face to face conversation. Shocking, I know. 

Not only is this unhealthy but it seriously damaged my relationship with Jesus. 

I gave Him the crumbs. The bare minimum. 

Offering up the King of Kings, The Lord God Almighty crumbs is embarrassing and disappointing when he deserves the best. He deserves far more than even a feast. 

Jesus and I had some real good talks this week. I needed to make a big decision this week and I desperately needed guidance from Jesus. Though I am not 100% sure where Jesus is leading me I have clearer understanding then I would have from wasting time on Social Media. 

Know this: You will never regret spending time with Jesus. You are guaranteed to be blessed when you enter into communion with Him. 

Isaiah 58:6-11

“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice
    and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
    and break every yoke?
Is it not to share your food with the hungry
    and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter
when you see the naked, to clothe them,
    and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
    and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness[a] will go before you,
    and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.
Then you will call, and the Lord will answer;
    you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.
“If you do away with the yoke of oppression,
    with the pointing finger and malicious talk,
10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
    and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
    and your night will become like the noonday.
11 The Lord will guide you always;
    he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
    and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
    like a spring whose waters never fail.

Things will change from here on out regarding how much time I invest in Social Media. I'm going to need to discipline myself. God deserves our very best, Far more then 5 minutes before bed or a quick prayer in the morning. Good rule of thumb:  However much time you spend on Social Media, double that and spend it with your Heavenly Father. 

I'm planning on fasting at least a few times a week now. 

So here's my suggestion to you: sign off of your Social Media accounts and spend some much needed time with Jesus. You won't regret it. I promise. 

If you want to talk to me more about this don't hesitate to contact me!